- Tap & Cap contactless
Tap & Cap is one of several names given to the type of Contactless Model 2 payment method. It allows you to simply “tap” your contactless payment card (or device) onto a reader at the start of your journey. What you are charged for the journey is calculated later and then automatically from your account. …
- TXC-PTI (TransXChange UK PTI Profile)
Also known as the BODS TransXChange Profile, TXC-PTI is a set of additional guidance to the TransXChange schema. The profile lays out how TransXChange must be produced for use in the BODS. https://pti.org.uk/bus_open_data
- Traveline
Traveline Information Ltd (TIL) is a service funded by public transport companies across the country. It aims to provide comprehensive information on bus services on a regional basis to assist passengers in getting where they need to go. It also provides information on other forms of public transport. Its information is relayed to councils, who …
- Traffic Commissioner (TC)
A Government official responsible for overseeing bus services throughout their respective regions. They have the power to summon and discipline bus service providers whom they deem to be providing an inadequate service, especially where services run unreasonably poorly and/or are changed without permission. In exceptional circumstances, they can withdraw operators^ licences to provide services.
- Timing Point
A point on any bus service, usually but not always represented by a bus stop, at which buses are expected to arrive and/or depart at the time indicated. Notwithstanding exceptional circumstances such as roadworks, operators are required to ensure that 95% of services serve all timing points within the window of not more than one …
- TOTO (Tap On, Tap Off) contactless
Tap On, Tap Off is one of several names given to a type of Contactless Model 2 payment method. It allows you to simply “tap” your contactless payment card (or device) onto a reader at the start of your journey and “tap” again on a reader when you complete your journey. What you are charged …
- TXC (TransXChange)
The UK national standard for exchanging bus schedules and related data. It is used for: the electronic registration of bus routes the Traffic Area Network the exchange of bus routes with other computer systems such as journey planners and vehicle real-time tracking systems. www.gov.uk/government/collections/transxchange
- TNDS (Traveline National Dataset)
The Traveline National Dataset (TNDS) contains public transport timetables for bus, light rail, tram and ferry services in Great Britain. It does not include national rail services. TNDS (v2.1) includes coach data from the National Coach Services Database (NCSD). It is managed by Traveline, which works with local authorities to combine all public transport timetables …
- TLS (Transport Layer Security – formerly SSL)
The standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. TLS is an industry standard and replaced SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in 1999. SSL (now considered insecure) is still in use as …