- Agile
Agile is an approach to software development that focuses on delivering a solution in iterative stages – starting with the delivery of the current most useful single change, then evaluating its impact before deciding what the next most useful single change is to make. This ensures the users of the solution get the most useful …
- ABT (Account-Based Ticketing)
Account-Based Ticketing is a ticketless way of allowing people to travel. Users tap or scan a smart card, mobile phone, contactless bank card or other secure token linked to an account to make their journey.
- ALBUM (Association of Local Bus Company Managers)
ALBUM was formed in 1984 to provide a forum to exchange best practice among its members and for the promotion of high-quality services that encourage more people to travel by bus. There are around 150 members representing bus operators in the UK and ALBUM provides a networking opportunity for bus managers, to share best practice and …
- ATCOCode (Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers Code)
A unique identifier UK-wide for bus stops used in NaPTAN.
- App store
An online shop where apps can be found and downloaded to your mobile phone. The app store for Android devices is called the Play Store. The app store for Apple devices is actually called the ‘App Store’.
- AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location)
Automatic Vehicle Location systems provide the GPS coordinates where a vehicle actually is.
- API (Application Programming Interface)
A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. An API is a set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that programmers can use to create software or interact with an external system. It provides developers with standard commands for performing common operations so they do not have to write the code …
- A11y (Accessibility)
Accessibility is one of the most important considerations in transport apps and websites. It means making an app or website accessible to users in more challenging situations and for those with disabilities. Accessibility is often referred to as A11y for short. A11Y is a numeronym (similar to an acronym) with the first and last letters of …