
A byte is the smallest addressable unit of memory in a computer, commonly made up of eight binary digits.

OS (Operating system)

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer’s memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows users to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s language.


Computer code is a set of rules or instructions that tells a computer what you want it to do. Coding, or programming, is a way of writing instructions for computers that bridges the gap between how humans can express themselves and how computers actually work.


Mistakes in code that keep a website or program from working properly.

Cloud computing

Where data is not stored locally on your own computer, but is spread out among a number of remote servers accessible through the Internet. Services like Google Docs and Gmail are examples of cloud computing—you are interacting with data on your home computer that is stored externally in “the cloud.”

Front end

Front end is used to describe all the parts of a website that can be seen and interacted with by users.

Responsive design

The practice of designing websites so that they adapt easily to different-sized devices like phones, tablets, wearables etc. If you’re able to visit a website on your phone and it looks just as proportional and pretty as it does on your computer, it’s an example of responsive web design.

Native apps

Native apps are made specifically for certain platforms. They only run on the platforms they were built for, and are stored locally on those devices.

Downtime & Uptime

Downtime and uptime describe how long a website, computer or other system has been working (uptime) or not working (downtime).

Uptime & Downtime

Uptime and downtime describes how long a website, computer, or other system has been working (uptime) or not working (downtime).